Caravanserai brings you the Classical Connection series: 5 interactive videos based on Ravel's Mother Goose Suite. Elementary school aged students can engage with classical music through story, active listening, and movements to music. Not just limited to young audience, music-lover of all ages are encouraged to move to the music however they enjoy it!
Our project is largely supported in part by the Arts Council of the Valley, Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge, Virginia Commission of the Arts, and National Endowment of the Arts. If you are able, we invite you to join our effort to make classical music more accessible.
In this video, you will...
Hear how sleeping beauty feels when she has been waiting for 100 years in a castle all alone
Learn about the string family
Dance with a scarf or a coin
In this video, you will...
Find out how Beauty and the Beast got along
Learn about the the clarinet and bassoon
Act out the story/ Air play the instruments
In this video, you will...
Find out if Tom Thumb's time in the forest is happy or sad
Learn about the flute, piccolo, oboe, and english horn
Pretend to be Tom Thumb or draw a picture of the forest
In this video, you will...
Feel the anticipation of the prince on the way to see sleeping beauty
Learn about the strings, the woodwinds, the horn, the percussions, the piano and the celeste
Imagine the happy ending of your story
In this video, you will...
Listen to the adventure of princess Laideronnette
Learn about the oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn
Conduct the musicians on the screen